Update from Economic Development Officer

Hello to all Wingham members,

At the September 19th council meeting, the proposed parking by-law was sent back to North Huron staff with direction to get feedback from local businesses. Staff has decided to take the opportunity to include with some parking questions, a more in-depth Downtown Business Survey. We are aware some of you filled out a similar survey last year for the Huron County Business Retention & Expansion report, however we believe the economic environment has changed enough to warrant recollecting, updating and adding some further questions. We have also included a one-page economic development update as well as a Jobs Posting Analysis:

  1. Downtown Business Survey à will take 20-30 minutes to complete. Digital survey link here (https://forms.northhuron.ca/Downtown-Retail-Survey-Oct-2022), paper copy available as well attached to this email, can be sent to dmakrakos@northhuron.ca.
  2. Economic Development Update à community profile, grant funding opportunities, upcoming webinars & training. See the link below. 
  3. Job Postings Analysis à this report was presented to council at the Oct 3rd meeting, looking at the number and types of occupations posted in North Huron since 2018. See the link below. Businesses having trouble hiring might find this useful. A regional analysis expanding on this report is currently underway.

Should you want to discuss Josephine and Queen Street parking in more detail, North Huron staff welcomes businesses to join us at the Wingham Town Hall theatre on Wednesday October 26th between 8am to 9am. We’d ask that you email dmakrakos@northhuron.ca if you plan to join us so we have an idea of numbers.

Demetri Makrakos

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