Christmas season is officially on in Wingham with the annual Lighting of the Lights at Cruickshank Park on Nov. 17.
Several people were on hand for the 6:30 lighting sponsored by the Wingham BIA. The BIA would like to thank North Huron Public Works, the Wingham Firefighters and the United Church choir for their assistance and participation. The choir leads the gathering in singing Christmas carols. Also a thank you to Dave Wallace for the sound system and special thanks to Tharon Riley as the lead on this event for several years now, along with some volunteer assistance. After a welcome from the BIA chairperson, Wilma Hiemstra said a few words about the reason for the season before the carolling began.
Remax Realty was onhand serving hot chocolate and cookies to the crowd. Someone referred to the event as a “Hallmark moment”.
Merry Christmas everyone. And don’t forget to shop Wingham!!