Festival of Lanterns
The 7th annual Festival of Lanterns will still be held this year, but with a different twist. Visit their website at https://festivaloflanterns.ca/ to see events and activities. Many stores are remaining open until approximately 8:00 p.m.
BIA Board Meeting
Wingham Town Hall Theatre Wingham, ON, CanadaWingham Town Hall Theatre
Cruickshank Park Christmas Lighting
Cruickshank ParkCruickshank Park will begin the annual Christmas light display on Friday, Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. This year, due to Covid of course, there will be no gathering and carol singing. But the lights will go on and the snowflake lights that go on the streetlights will be lit as well.
BIA Board Meeting – Feb. 4, 2021
OnlineThe BIA Board will meet on Thursday, Feb. 4, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. If you would like the link for the meeting email chair@winghambia.ca
Annual General Meeting
OnlineThe Wingham AGM will be held Thursday, Feb. 25 beginning at 7:00 p.m. virtually. A link will be sent to anyone who wants to join the meeting. The meeting will pass the 2021 budget and discuss plans for the year.
Flower Basket Orders Due Mar. 5
Orders for business flower baskets need to be placed by Mar. 5. You can access the order form at https://winghambia.ca/flower-baskets-order-form/
BIA Board Meeting
OnlineThe next BIA Board meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, June 17 via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. If you would like the link to the meeting email chair@winghambia.ca and the link will be sent the afternoon of the meeting.
Vaccination Clinic
NHWCCThere will be a vaccination clinic at the Complex on Thursday, July 8. You can register at https://tinyurl.com/xkta5y35
Walk-in Pfizer Clinic at NHWCC
NHWCCA first/second dose Pfizer walk-in clinic for people 12+ will be held at the Complex on Thursday, Aug. 19. The clinic will run from 4-7 p.m., while supplies last.
BIA Board Meeting – Aug. 19
Knights Lounge - NHWCCThe Wingham BIA Board will meet Thursday, Aug. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Knight's Lounge at the North Huron Wescast Community Complex. These meetings are open to the public. People have up to 2 minutes at the beginning of the meeting to speak on a topic listed on the agenda. Social distancing regulations will … Continue reading "BIA Board Meeting – Aug. 19"