Lions Picnic Shelter Refresh

The Wingham BIA partnered with the Lions Club to repaint the Lions Club Picnic Shelter that is located along the Wingham Community Trail near the corner of Patrick Street West and William Street.
The Lions Club provided the paint and the Wingham BIA organized the volunteers.
The work was completed by the volunteers in just 6 hours which goes to show that many hands make for light work!
The BIA has other painting events planned for Wingham. If you or someone you know are willing to help out, please send an email to the Wingham BIA.

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Two New Doctors for Wingham

The following is a press release from Jan Mckague-Weishar, Recruitment Officer, Wingham & Area Health Professionals Recruitment team.

Press Release

May 24, 2018
The Wingham & Area Health Professionals Recruitment Committee, the North Huron Family Health Team and the Wingham & District Hospital are delighted to announce Dr. Justin Puntillo and Dr. Sean Henderson will be practicing Family Medicine at the Lucknow Medical Clinic and Wingham & District Hospital. Drs. Puntillo and Henderson will be seeing patients currently receiving care at Lucknow Medical Clinic, as well as seeing inpatients and covering the Emergency Department at the Wingham & District Hospital in July 2018.
Drs. Puntillo and Henderson are graduates of Queens University Medical School. Dr. Puntillo is finishing his residency training at the University of Toronto and has most recently been training in Stayner and Collingwood. Dr. Henderson will be moving to Wingham from Nova Scotia where he is completing his residency at Dalhousie University, Cape Breton site. Patients of the Lucknow Medical Clinic and Wingham & District Hospital will benefit greatly with the addition of these enthusiastic new physicians to our medical staff.
We are thrilled to welcome both of these families to our communities; Dr. Justin Puntillo and his partner Nicole Bryant are looking forward to making their home in Wingham. Dr. Sean Henderson, his wife Mandy, along with their four young children Emily 7, Sidney 5, Jack 3 and William 1 are also excited for their move back to Ontario and setting roots in Wingham. Drs. Puntillo and Henderson are both avid Blue Jays fans.
The municipalities supporting recruitment; North Huron, Morris-Turnberry, Huron-Kinloss, Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh and South Bruce along with the Wingham & District Hospital Foundation, Board members and staff of the Listowel Wingham Hospital Alliance and North Huron Family Health Team, are credited with unwavering support to bring these physicians to our communities.

Jan McKague-Weishar
Recruitment Officer
Wingham & Area Health Professionals Recruitment

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Spring Cleanup

Main Street Cleanup Completed!

Thank you to our energetic early morning riser volunteers, Chris Parks, Rebecca Rathwell, Terry Walker, and Doug Kuyvenhoven, who cleaned up the main street on Friday morning!
Five (5) bags of garbage were collected. The dirt was swept away where the sidewalks meet the buildings, and all the doorway alcoves, along both sides of the main street from Patrick Street to Victoria Street. Chris Parks used a leaf blower to blow the dirt into the gutters.
The cleanup operation took 1-1/2 hours, followed by well deserved coffee and donuts at Tim Hortons.
Let’s work together as citizens and business owners to keep our main street in tip top clean condition. If you see cups or cans on the sidewalk or in the gutter, please pick them up and put them in the garbage. Together we will make a difference.

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Annual General Meeting 2018

The Wingham BIA’s Annual General Meeting was held Feb. 22 at the Knights of Columbus Lounge. A good attendance was brought up to date on 2017 activities and planned objectives for 2018. The financial statements and 2018 budget were passed. Highlight of the evening was the annual BIA Awards. Three new businesses within the past year were noted: Gemstone Essence, Polished and Treasure Hut. Business of the Year is Christine’s Clothes Closet, Volunteer of the Year (as it relates to the BIA) is Chris Parks. Civic Improvement awards were presented to McDonagh Insurance, Earth Angel and Jewlz Designs. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Lorne and Margaret Humpfrey, former owners of Bell’s Pizza & More. They owned the business for 40 years and over that time had approximately 160 students as employees. Congratulations!!!

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